Blood, Sweat, and Tears: The Story Behind the Science

This blog post by Jennifer Glass, assistant professor in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Institute of Technology, chronicles her journey from first falling in love with marine science as a college freshman, to the first original research paper out of her own lab, now openly accessible: Glass JB, Kretz CB, Ganesh S, Ranjan P, Seston SL, …

Richard Branson getting into microbial diversity (partly) #microBEnet

Richard Branson is planning a deep sea exploration project that will include sampling of microbial diversity with Katrina Edwards and Doug Bartlett and others.  For more information see here: Richard Branson launches Virgin Oceanic: deep-sea exploring submarines – Boing Boing. Perhaps we can convince him to also use his planes and spaceships to sample airborn …