Postdoctoral Position in Environmental Metagenomics, Norman Pace Lab, Boulder, CO
Available September 1, 2012, three years appointment, NIH salary grades.
A three-year Research Associate position is available for participation with a team studying the microbial metagenomics of municipal water distribution systems. Although seemingly a mundane setting, little is known about the microbiology of municipal drinking water systems. We have so far established that such systems are distinct microbial ecosystems that vary in specific microbial makeup between different municipalities. But also there are common themes, including presence or absence of different opportunistic pathogens. The overall goals of the study, which involve US-wide sequence surveys, are to determine the nature of domestic drinking water system microbiology and to understand the factors that influence that microbiology. Participation in the project offers inroads into public health microbiology, water-processing science and technology, and the future of societal water use.
Requirements for the position include a PhD in a relevant field and experience in DNA sequence analysis.
The University of Colorado supports a robust research environment, and Boulder is a terrific place to live.
For further information, please contact:
Professor Norman Pace
Dept. of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0347