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Could be interesting: The Metagenomics MVP Challenge v1.0

Source: NIST Challenge — CosmosID – Exploring the Universe of Microbes

This could be interesting.  NIST & COSMOS ID and ABRF are conducting a metagenomic sequencing methods challenge.

From their site:

When using metagenomic methods to assess the content of a complex microbial sample, there are many steps in the measurement process where bias might be introduced; including, but not limited to: sample collection and storage, DNA extraction method, library construction and/or PCR, NGS platform, raw data filtering and data analysis/interpretation.

Investigating and understanding the source and extent of measurement bias is often accomplished through the development and utilization of a shared reference material (“ground truth”) followed by repeated measurements of the material in multiple independent laboratories.

Welcome to The NIST-ABRF-CosmosID Metagenomic MVP Challenge v1.0

We have a metagenomic reference material (“ground truth”) and you are the independent laboratories! This challenge is open to the community at-large, but we are limiting the number of participants to the first 80 who sign-up.

This Challenge (v1.0) is intended to be the first of many challenges that will each address a different step of the measurement process.  The goal of Challenge v1.0 is to specifically identify and understand measurement bias associated with 1) shotgun library preparation techniques and 2) next-generation sequencing platforms.   We recognize that this only addresses a small aspect of the larger measurement process.  This is intentional and it is our intent to address other steps of the measurement process in future challenges.

For more information see here.

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