Just got this email and thought people might be interested:
Hi mothur friends,
Throughout 2018, I will offer 6 workshops on mothur and programming in R for microbial ecologists. Please see the Workshops page on the wiki for more information on what each workshop will cover. The dates are:
- February 5-7: R
- April 2-4: mothur
- May 14-16: R
- August 20-22: mothur
- October 15-17: R
- December 17-19: mothur
All workshops are intended for novices and are not dependent on each other. These workshops have been very popular and are capped at 30 participants. There is no application process. They are all offered near the Detroit, MI airport. I’m sorry, but I am unable to offer these workshops at other locations and there is insufficient bandwidth at the workshop location to stream the material. If you are interested in attending and would like to register or get more information about fees and specifics, please email me. Please feel free to share this with any colleagues that you think might be interested.
Pat Schloss