(h/t to Linsey Marr for posting this on Twitter)
Another, more comprehensive, environmental sampling survey for SARS-CoV-2 from a hospital… this time in Wuhan, China. “Aerosol and Surface Distribution of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in Hospital Wards, Wuhan, China, 2020“. The authors here did air as well as surface sampling. Again, only RNA detection so no direct measure of viability or risk here. To my mind one of the more interesting findings here is the prevalence of positive samples on the floor… even in areas that don’t see sick patients. Abstract below:
To determine distribution of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in hospital wards in Wuhan, China, we tested air and surface samples. Contamination was greater in intensive care units than general wards. Virus was widely distributed on floors, computer mice, trash cans, and sickbed handrails and was detected in air ≈4 m from patients.