Interesting analysis of data sharing in paleogenetics #OpenScience

There is a new paper out that may be of interest to many: “When Data Sharing Gets Close to 100%: What Human Paleogenetics Can Teach the Open Science Movement”.  It discusses an analysis of paleogenetics and the open science / open data practices in the field.  This seems like it could be of relevance to the …

Great “Hidden Life” (of homes and people) Learning Activity from the NY Times #microbiology

Wow – this is really really cool: Hidden Life Forms: Investigating Microbial Diversity on Our Bodies and in Our Homes.  The article is by Jennifer Cutraro and it goes through a series of course / learning activities regarding microbial diversity – of homes and of people.  It has things like: a warm up activity a pre-activity …

Fascinating and distressing look at cruise ship turnaround

Really interesting and distressing story in the New York Times a few days about: A Luxury Liner Docks and the Countdowns On by Jad Mouawad.  So many parts of this story have microbe-themed angles.  Some interesting tidbits (quoted from the story) A treatment system handles all the wastewater generated by the passengers and crew. That system, which …

I love that @eLIFE is publishing draft papers now (brewery microbiome)

OK that was deceptive of me.  This is not a draft paper.  But it is a paper about drafts – beer that is:  Mapping microbial ecosystems and spoilage-gene flow in breweries highlights patterns of contamination and resistance | eLife. And, well, I am a bit biased since it came from UC Davis colleagues, but it …