Opinions / facts / comments wanted: are indoor plant microbiomes beneficial to human health

New paper out of possible interest to those studying the microbiology of the built environment: Frontiers | Beneficial effects of plant-associated microbes on indoor microbiomes and human health? | Frontiers in Plant-Microbe Interaction.  The paper makes some arguments regarding possible connections between indoor plant microbiomes and human health.  I am posting this here without commentary in …

Art and microbiology meet again but not in the way you might have expected

Well, I have always told people that we need more mixing of art and science.  In recent years we have seen lots of attempts to do some sort of art inspired by – or even incorporating – microbes.  But this is perhaps the other side of the coin.  Art is significantly influenced by microbes in …

New publications on ribosomal RNA tools (databases, software, etc)

For those doing microbial diversity studies, analysis of rRNA genes via PCR is still a fundamental tool.  And thankfully many people keep maintaining various databases and tools for people to use to carry out analysis of rRNA data.  Here are some new papers of relevance: The SILVA and “All-species Living Tree Project (LTP)” taxonomic frameworks. …

New paper of interest on combining qPCR & sequencing to quantify fungi in aerosols

Nice new paper from Karen Dannemiller et al. (the senior author is Jordan Peccia from Yale): Citation: Dannemiller, K. C., Lang-Yona, N., Yamamoto, N., Rudich, Y., & Peccia, J. (2013). Combining Real-Time PCR and Next-Generation DNA Sequencing to Provide Quantitative Comparisons of Fungal Aerosol Populations. Atmospheric Environment in Press. The abstract is copied below.  Basically, they …