New paper out of possible interest to those studying the microbiology of the built environment: Frontiers | Beneficial effects of plant-associated microbes on indoor microbiomes and human health? | Frontiers in Plant-Microbe Interaction. The paper makes some arguments regarding possible connections between indoor plant microbiomes and human health. I am posting this here without commentary in …
Well, I have always told people that we need more mixing of art and science. In recent years we have seen lots of attempts to do some sort of art inspired by – or even incorporating – microbes. But this is perhaps the other side of the coin. Art is significantly influenced by microbes in …
For those doing microbial diversity studies, analysis of rRNA genes via PCR is still a fundamental tool. And thankfully many people keep maintaining various databases and tools for people to use to carry out analysis of rRNA data. Here are some new papers of relevance: The SILVA and “All-species Living Tree Project (LTP)” taxonomic frameworks. …
Nice new paper from Karen Dannemiller et al. (the senior author is Jordan Peccia from Yale): Citation: Dannemiller, K. C., Lang-Yona, N., Yamamoto, N., Rudich, Y., & Peccia, J. (2013). Combining Real-Time PCR and Next-Generation DNA Sequencing to Provide Quantitative Comparisons of Fungal Aerosol Populations. Atmospheric Environment in Press. The abstract is copied below. Basically, they …
Nice video from NPR about the human microbiome that is worth taking a look at
OK – I confess. I have worked on microbiology of the built environment now for 4+ years and I have never thought about what might be found on library books. Never. And then I was pointed to this: Fifty Shades of Grey goes viral — literally | Books | And I am now intrigued (not …
Centers For Disease Contraction Urges Americans To Suck Doorknob
New paper out from the microbiology of the built environment community: MIxS-BE: a MIxS extension defining a minimum information standard for sequence data from the built environment. The joint first authors are Elizabeth Glass and Yekaterina Dribinsky. And the senior author is Lynn Schriml. The paper is simple but I think very important – it describes …
Well – three recent news stories show an increasing awareness and impact of microbes in the built environment on sports, of all things: Grambling State Tigers’ players send letter of complaint to administration – ESPN Third Tampa Bay Buccaneers player tests positive for MRSA staph … A’s have another sewage leak during win over Angels …
Completely fascinated by these pictures of abandoned farm houses: Photographer Niki Feijen's eerie images of the abandoned farm houses | Mail Online. . And that got me wondering – what happens to the microbial ecology of a building once it is abandoned. I am not familiar with any studies of this and a few quick …