Water Sanitation Issues in Developing Nations

Sanitation remains a problem in many developing countries across the globe. However, this issue goes much deeper than just delivering clean water to billions of people and treating sewage waste. The Conversation ran an article earlier this month on this topic. They bring up two important aspects of implementing water treatment programs in struggling countries. One …

Microbial Response to Urban Stress

A new paper just came out from Dunn et al  about how urban stress effects microbial communities in Manhattan. Urban structures can provide barriers to species movement and create islands of life, both for macro- and microscopic creatures. Here, they sampled soil bacterial and fungal species, as well as ant communities, from small road medians and large …

Request for comments on scikit-bio: should we drop support for Python 2 in favor of Python 3 only?

scikit-bio is a library implementing core bioinformatics algorithms and data structures, and providing support for bioinformatics data munging. You can learn more about the project by watching Jai Rideout and Evan Bolyen’s 20 minute SciPy 2015 talk. scikit-bio currently supports Python 2 (i.e., Legacy Python) and Python 3. We’re considering dropping support for Python 2, …

More Fresh Air in Classrooms Means Fewer Absences « Berkeley Lab News Center

(Author’s note, this article is a bit out of date but I just found this draft and am posting it because I think it’s still an interesting study) Trying to get outside my microbiology comfort zone and post some more about building science.  A recent study finding that more fresh air in classrooms correlated with …

Your Own Personal Microbial Cloud

A recent study from Meadow et al at the University of Oregon looked at the individual microbiota that humans shed into their surrounding environment. They sequenced the airborne microbes that colonized a sterile chamber once each individual entered. They found that this left a microbially distinct and detectable signature, much like a fingerprint, after 1.5-4 hours. …

Behind the paper: 16Stimator

In scientific manuscripts, we tell stories of our research, generally in straight-line fashion with clear motivations and results. This type of research is rare (in my experience), with stories, motivations, and applications only realized post hoc. This is the nature of science, and our recent ISMEJ publication is no different. With “16Stimator: statistical estimation of …

Antibiotic Resistance in India

A recent news article from Times of India discusses the dire effects of antibiotic overuse on public health in India. Although we always discuss this problem in terms of what we see in the US, it’s important to realize that antibiotic resistance is a problem everywhere. According to the article, the top three antibiotic using …

Crowdfunding generates outreach for research

Here is a quick post to show off a new figure based on some analysis of data from our kittybiome Kickstarter to sequence gut microbiome samples from cats. Modeled on similar participatory research projects for humans where participants submit fecal samples for bacterial characterization, we are characterizing the gut microbiome of domestic cats with a …

Bacterial Yin and Yang of Cheese

Cheese has often been studied as a microbe-rich environment. The variety of interactions in one of the tastiest foods on earth (personal opinion) is still only just being discovered. A recent paper from Stellato et al attempts to study these interactions by swabbing and sequencing the food itself and the various surfaces it comes into contact with during the …

Indoor Air 2016: Call for Abstracts (Due October 15th)

(thanks to Paula Olsiewski for the reminder, text below from ISIAQ)   INDOOR AIR 2016   July 3-8th 2016, Ghent, Belgium Important dates: abstract submission closes: October 15th 2015 submission page abstracts acceptance notification:  December 1st 2015 extended abstract / full paper submission opens: December 1st 2015 extended abstract / full paper submission closes: February …