Antimicrobial Films for Implants

Researchers at Inserm/Strasbourg University have developed an antimicrobial film for implants. One of the biggest problems with implants is that they can provide ideal breeding grounds for pathogens, causing inflammation in the surrounding tissue and subsequent rejection of the implant. Often, this is avoided by prescribing patients antibiotics or coating implants in them, which of course have …

New study from UK: closing windows increases infection risk

UPDATED AT BOTTOM – TURNS OUT NEWS STORY WAS VERY MISLEADING Wow.  Just got pointed to this news story: BBC News – Closing hospital windows ‘increases infection risk’.  It reports on work from Cath Noakes from the University of Leeds.  The work is published in a non open-access journal “Building and Environment” which I do not …

Will you wear an N-95 respirator on your next flight? or in the airport?

Lots of attention to disease transmission and illness related to air travel lately. A new paper in the journal Indoor Air suggests that if passengers would wear N-95 respirators when they fly, they could significantly reduce their risk of infection. You can read the paper “Risk assessment of airborne infectious diseases in aircraft cabins” at …

Ecology of Disease – Are they ignoring the great indoors?

An article in the Sunday NYT on the Ecology of Disease — paints with a very broad brush that ignores the role of the microbiology of the built (and especially the indoor) environment, where we spend most of our time and most likely acquire most of our diseases. What the article ignores underscores the importance …

Upcoming workshop of potential interest on “Building Design & Engineering Approaches to Airborne Infection Control 8/1-12 Boston. MA

Just a quick post on a workshop of possible interest: Building Design and Engineering Approaches to Airborne Infection Control. The workshop is August 1-12 in Boston, MA.   It is organized by the Harvard School of Public Health.  The overview from the website says: “A significant bottleneck in the implementation of precautions against airborne transmission of …