Going through the list of Microbiology Blogs we have curated at microBEnet and going to try to feature one of them every day or so. And just going to do this in semi-alphabetic order.
Today’s blog: Curiosidades de la MicrobiologÃa (Curiosities of Microbiology: English translation)
Author: Manuel Sánchez
Tagline/Summary: Los seres vivos son a las leyes de la Termodinámica lo que los abogados son a las leyes de la sociedad. (Google aided translation: Living things are to the laws of thermodynamics what lawyers are to the laws of society.)
Recent Posts:
- 12/28: Mazapán microbiológico
- 12/21: Cine y bichos: Cuando los microbios son los buenos
- 12/13: Cómo convertir a uno de tus peores enemigos en uno de tus mejores aliados
- 11/21: La paradoja del dedo de Hume
Recent Posts translated to English by Google Translate:
- 12/28: Marzipan microbiological
- 12/21: Film and bugs: When microbes are good
- 12/13: How to convert one of your worst enemies into one of your best allies
- 11/21: The paradox of Hume’s toe
Note – I am hoping we can add many more foreign language microbiology blogs to our list. If you know of any not on on list please post them in comments.