home Scholarly Literature (Journals, Books, Reports) New paper on Comparing Bacteria in Houses vs. On People

New paper on Comparing Bacteria in Houses vs. On People

There is a new paper of interest to the microbiology of the built environment crowd: Identification of Household Bacterial Community and Analysis of Species Shared with Human Microbiome.  Published June 7 in Current Microbiology by a group from South Korea, it details culture-based and culture-independent (i.e., rRNA PCR) comparisons of the bacteria found on fridges and toilets and then compared to published human microbome data.  Not 100% sure what to make of all the conclusions since they did not look at the people at these building sites but instead compared to data from other people.  And there were some conflicting results between the different clustering methods.  Anyway – it is probably worth a look for those studying microbes in buildings


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