home .Featured, Bioinformatics, Sequencing Microbial Genome Annotation Methods Twitter discussion

Microbial Genome Annotation Methods Twitter discussion

Twitter Logo: Wikimedia Commons Public Domain

Thought this might be of interest to various folks. I made a Twitter moment regarding a discussion about microbial genome annotation methods.


4 thoughts on “Microbial Genome Annotation Methods Twitter discussion

  1. No one mentions Glimmer because perhaps they think it is too ‘old’ – but it works great, as it has for 20 years now, and we still maintain it at https://ccb.jhu.edu/software/glimmer/. Glimmer finds 98-99% of the protein coding genes in a ‘naked’ bacterial assembly, including draft genomes, as we showed in a series of papers from 1998 to 2007.

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