Our #ISS Microbiome Paper in PeerJ

So a number of years ago our lab embarked on Project MERCCURI (let’s not talk about the tortured acronym).  This complex and citizen science-based collaboration (website here) has been a fascinating journey.  It’s ranged from getting to watch a rocket launch in Florida, to discovering/describing a new bacterial species, to our most recent publication… the …

Geobiology 2018 summer course at Caltech

Just heard about this course from a former undergraduate in our lab who spoke very highly of the opportunity.  “GEOBIOLOGY 2018 An International Training Course in a Rapidly Evolving Field”.  Takes place during summer 2018 at Caltech.  Information from the website below. Now entering its 15th year, the International Geobiology Course is an intense, multidisciplinary …

#MoBE17 Day 3 Summary

The third and final day started with a Keynote talk by Marc Edwards about “MoBE, Public Health and the Flint Water Crisis”.  It’s really hard to sum up this talk, I would recommend watching the video if interested.  Marc talked about the Flint crisis from their perspective, starting with their pre-existing work on corrosion and …

#MoBE17 Day 1-2 Summary

The first evening of the #MoBE17 meeting was a reception, with a fabulous keynote talk by Ed Yong mainly focused on Science Communication. Ed had a number of tips for interacting with journalists and thinking about how we present stories instead of facts. The quote of the evening was surely “you cannot replace a feeling …

Over 1,200 Built Environment Genomes from Metagenomes

We were super excited to see the recent paper “Recovery of nearly 8,000 metagenome-assembled genomes substantially expands the tree of life“.  Really, the title says it all… the authors took hundreds of published metagenomic studies (focusing on non-human environments) and assembled thousands of genomes.  Awesome. But we were curious how many of these genomes came …

NAS Study released: #MOBEstudy “Microbiomes of the Built Environment: A Research Agenda for Indoor Microbiology, Human Health, and Buildings”

So this is the culmination of a huge amount of work by a large number of folks.   The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) just released a new report “Microbiomes of the Built Environment: A Research Agenda for Indoor Microbiology, Human Health, and Buildings”.  This report was requested by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the National …