Experimenting with a “microbiology of the built environment” Flipboard

We are always looking to recruit more people to contribute to microBEnet on topics related to microbiology of the built environment. And if you have something to say about this topic, by all means, we want you to blog here. Tell us your stories about your work about your projects about your outreach and papers and …

CMB Summer Course on Microbial Ecology @ SIMS

CMB Summer Course on Microbial Ecology @ SIM 20th — 25th November, 2016 at The Sydney Institute of Marine Science (SIMS) Sydney, Australia This course provides an intensive training for scientists interested in the ecology of microorganisms within a range of environments, offering students practical hands-on experience in: Experimental/ sample design and statistical analysis Training …

Guest post from Dr. Koh Tse Hsien on “Clinical microbiology and Social Media”

This is a guest post from  Dr. Koh Tse Hsien who maintains the blog Microcosm and also is in the Pathology Department at Singapore General Hospital. Clinical microbiology and social media We are a diagnostic laboratory that provides bacteriology services to a busy 1600-bedded tertiary care hospital in Singapore (http://www.sgh.com.sg). We receive about 360,000 specimens a year. …

Wikipedia editathon and Meetup in Eugene & Online on Microbiomes #wikiMicrobiome2016

Got pointed to this by Jessica Green on Twitter @davidacoil @phylogenomics: join us over lunch tomorrow! https://t.co/1ydjPYTDsJ – Jessica Green (@JessicaLeeGreen) May 27, 2016 //platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Looks like a great idea. More detail here: Wikipedia:Meetup/Eugene/Microbiome2016 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia From their site: The Biology and Built Environment Center is hosting a Microbiome Science Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon on May 27th, …

Twitter chat on “Microbiology of Built Environments” AAM report Thu May 19 10-11 AM EST

There will be a Twitter chat on Thursday of relevance. Thursday May 19 10-11 AM EST Run by @ASMicrobiology. Follow this hashtag #ASMChats   Twitter chat Thu 10-11 AM EST run by @ASMicrobiology re: AAM report on Microbes & Built Environment https://t.co/UgzrheJcWM #ASMChats – Jonathan Eisen (@phylogenomics) May 17, 2016 //platform.twitter.com/widgets.js And an upcoming twitter …

FAQ on Microbiology of Built Environments from the American Academy of Microbiology

There is a report out from the American Academy of Microbiology that is based on the “Microbiology of the Built Environment” colloquium they hosted in September 2015.  The report summary is below: Built environments are the structures that humans create to shelter from the outdoors and provide spaces for living, working, playing, and getting places. …

Open Science Prize finalists include Open Air Quality and Real-time Pathogen Surveillance. 

The six finalists for the Open Science Prize were announced today.  The Open Science Prize is “The Open Science Prize is a collaboration between the Wellcome Trust, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to unleash the power of open content and data to advance biomedical research and its …

Very useful (for scientists too): How to read and understand a scientific paper: a guide for non-scientists

From vaccinations to climate change, getting science wrong has very real consequences. But journal articles, a primary way science is communicated in academia, are a different format to newspaper a… Source: How to read and understand a scientific paper: a guide for non-scientists This article, by Jennifer Raff, is definitely worth a read and I …

Worth a Read: Sloan Foundation President Dr. Paul Joskow on “Research Integrity and Reproducibility”

I just got pointed to this letter written by the President of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Paul Joskow on “Research Integrity and Reproducibility” and it is definitely worth a read. It is available as part of the Sloan Foundation 2014 Annual report. It starts on pXiii.  It is also available via Research Gate.  And …