Jim O’Neill on “How to stop antibiotic resistance threatening global growth”

The G-20 would be an ideal forum in which to take international action against antimicrobial resistance, writes Jim O’Neill. This is definitely worth a read: How to stop antibiotic resistance threatening global growth Jim O’ Neill (who is the Commercial Secretary to the UK Treasury) writes about how the report from the G20 meeting in Antalya, …

Job posting: 4 year NERC freshwater eDNA PDRA

Just saw a posting about this on Twitter by Simon Creer and thought it might be of interest.   4 year NERC freshwater eDNA PDRA now recruiting! Understanding the ecological relevance of eDNA in freshwater lotic ecosystems (NERC Highlight Topic funding) We are looking for a dynamic researcher to fulfil a leading role in a …

Sloan Microbiology of the Built Environment Data Analysis Workshop (secrets of QIIME, VAMPS and QIITA)

Submitted to me by Rob Knight. Announcement: Sloan Microbiology of the Built Environment Data Analysis Workshop (secrets of QIIME, VAMPS and QIITA) April 4-5, 2016 University of California, San Diego Application Deadline — February 15, 2016 — mitchellsogin@gmail.com This workshop, staffed by the developers of QIIME, VAMPS and QIITA, invite participants from the Microbiology of …

Interesting possible model for microbiomes and space travel: bees

Just got done looking at this paper which I found by searching Google Scholar for “indoor bacteria”.  PLOS ONE: 16S rRNA Amplicon Sequencing Demonstrates that Indoor-Reared Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) Harbor a Core Subset of Bacteria Normally Associated with the Wild Host A MiSeq multiplexed 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing of the gut microbiota of wild and indoor-reared …

Important paper: Intrinsic challenges in ancient microbiome reconstruction using 16S rRNA gene amplification

To date, characterization of ancient oral (dental calculus) and gut (coprolite) microbiota has been primarily accomplished through a metataxonomic approach involving targeted amplification of one or more variable regions in the 16S rRNA gene. For anyone interested in rRNA studies of microbial communities, ancient microbiomes, or analysis of samples with small amounts of DNA this …

Emily Anthes writes about Wildlife of Your Homes microbiome studies in the New Yorker 

“Every unswept corner of a home tells its own story”. By Bouyoun Kim from the New Yorker Website. Source: What the Dust in Your House Says About You – The New Yorker Nice article in the New Yorker by Emily Anthes about the Home Microbiome studies from the Wildlife of Your Homes project. It has some …

Postdoc and grad student Summit — preceding the EMBO Symposium on Aquatic Microeukaryotes

Apologies for the late notice on this .. but this may be of interest. Got this announcement a few days ago: Colleagues — Preceding this January’s EMBO Symposium on Aquatic Microeukaryotes in Heidelberg (January 26—29, 2016), the Marine Microbiology Initiative (MMI) is sponsoring a small two-day Summit for up to 24 postdoctoral fellows and advanced graduate …