Microbial community, microbiome, and metagenomic analysis tools of the week

Compiling some of the more interesting tools I have seen recently. Some I have plyed with but most I have just looked at the papers briefly. Microbiome | Abstract | VizBin – an application for reference-independent visualization and human-augmented binning of metagenomic data. Global biogeographic sampling of bacterial secondary metabolism GrammR: Graphical Representation and Modeling …

Tangible Interactive Microbiology for Informal Science Education

Crosspsting from my Tree of Life blog This is so cool: Tangible Interactive Microbiology for Informal Science Education. Abstract: We present an interactive platform that enables human users to interface with microbiological living cells through a touch-screen, thereby generating a tangible interactive experience with the microscopic world that is hidden to most people. Euglena gracilis, single-celled …

Moving from commensalism to mutualism: not microbes, but the people who study them

Nice editorial in Indoor Air from Brent Stephen, Rachel Adams, Seema Bhangar, Kyle Bibby and Michael Waring: From commensalism to mutualism: integrating the microbial ecology, building science, and indoor air communities to advance research on the indoor microbiome. In it they present what they view as key findings from recent studies of microbiology of the buiolt …

Today in microbes and art: Bioart and Bacteria – The Artwork of Anna Dumitriu

Crossposting this from my Tree of Life blog. I could spend a lot of time on this website: Bioart and Bacteria – The Artwork of Anna Dumitriu.  I found out about it from a Tweet from Dumutriu: Gut #bacteria #microbiome textiles for @edenproject #art commission @tferriss @phylogenomics http://t.co/gOyEKOQM5u pic.twitter.com/BzwyvKIZC2 – anna dumitriu (@AnnaDumitriu) January 18, …

Evolution in urban environments

Nice story worth reading in New York Magazine by Ferris Jabr: Uptown Mice Are Different From Downtown Mice — NYMag.  It discusses some work on evolution in urban environments, including a little bit about work starting to be done on gut microbes of rodents and how they might be affected by urban life. Other things of …

Dairy genomes: Good example of the power of reference genomes for particular environments

Quick post here.  Just got alerted to this paper by automated searches from Pubchase: Construction of a dairy microbial genome catalog opens new perspect… – PubMed – NCBI.  This paper provides a really good example of how researchers interested in microbial ecology of a particular system (in this case, dairies and cheese) can use culturing and …

Genomic data sharing via BitTorrent, part 2 – BioTorrents to BitTorious

As someone who uses sequence data for most of my research,  I am continually happy with the fact that sequencing continues to get cheaper and easier and faster and bigger and better and more and more and more.  Along with such continued advances, sharing the data produced by such sequencing has become somewhat challenging at …