A very important paper for any interested in microbial ecology: importance of rare taxa

Got pointed to this paper by automated Google Scholar searches that I have for many of the authors of the paper: Conditionally Rare Taxa Disproportionately Contribute to Temporal Changes in Microbial Diversity in mBio by Ashley Shade, Stuart E. Jones, J. Gregory Caporaso, Jo Handelsman, Rob Knight, Noah Fierer, and Jack A. Gilbert. In the paper (which is, …

Nice resource: BRIK – Building Research Information Knowledgebase

Recently I participated in the Society for Building Science Educators (SBSE) annual retreat (more about this soon).  And at the retreat I saw a fascinating presentation rom Richard L. Hayes who runs helps facilitate something called the Building Research Information Knowledgebase (aka BRIK). BRIK is a “collaborative effort of the American Institute of Architects and the National Institute …

The American Institute of Architects are looking for “Educational Proposals” for their 2015 Convention #microBEnet

The American Institute of Architects are looking for “Educational Proposals” for their 2015 Convention: See Abstract Scorecard.  I just put in a simple proposal to have a 60 minute panel discussion on “Architecture and Microbiology”.  But maybe someone else out there would want to put together a more comprehensive proposal on Microbiomes and Architecture and Design and, well, lots of other …

American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) poster deadline July 21

Just a quick note that the late-breaking poster deadline for the annual American Associattion for Aerosol Research (AAAR) conference is Monday, July 21st.   This conference will run from October 20-24, in Orlando Florida.  Here’s the description of the conference from the website: On behalf of the AAAR 33rd Annual Conference organizers, I am excited to …

Quick post: Interesting paper on affect of Monochloramine Disinfection System on drinking water microbial ecology at a hospital

Definitely worth checking out this paper from Kyle Bibby’s lab: PLOS ONE: Shift in the Microbial Ecology of a Hospital Hot Water System following the Introduction of an On-Site Monochloramine Disinfection System.  A key figure in the paper is Figure 2 which I post here. The figure shows a PCA based clustering of samples based on …

A heartbreaking dome of staggering magnitude

Alex Pasternack at Vice.com’s Motherboard channel has some very interesting thoughts on domes. Giant, massive, city-bestriding domes, starting with the Great Stink Dome of Hangzhou, which was erected to contain vapors emanating from the site of a former insecticide factory. Pasternack’s article discusses some of the fascinating history related to the idea of dropping domes …