Two postdoctoral positions (animal microbe interactions and human microbiome) at Vanderbilt

Posting on behalf of Seth Bordenstein… see the text of the job posting below: Two postdoctoral positions are offered to join the Bordenstein Lab in the Departments of Biological Sciences and Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. The candidates will join one of two projects. The first project seeks applicants with …

Great paper on Space Station Microbes and how they are not all waiting to kill you …

Just posting some Tweets here … I really recommend people check out this paper. There is a new paper from @rblauste @ericamhartmann et al. that is a must read on microbes on the space station – see PR here from @NorthwesternU and paper here from @mSystemsJ 1/n — Jonathan Eisen (@phylogenomics) January 9, …

An Art + Science Pop-up Exhibit: Community of Microbes

The initial discovery of microorganisms by Robert Hooke and Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in the mid to late 1600’s was an exploration of wonder. The two were some of the first to visually journey into the microscopic realm with the aid of simple microscopes. They turned their gaze to the ordinary spaces around us. Pouring into …

Why every sports team needs a microbiologist: Slime, roaches, mice found at stadium food venues

OK this is a bit disconcerting if you eat food at any major stadiums around the country.  But it is interesting and worth a read. An Outside the Lines analysis of 16,000 routine food-safety inspection reports covering 111 pro sports venues found that, at about 28 percent of the venues, half or more of their …

Alfred P. Sloan Workshop on Viruses in the Built Environment in Spring 2019

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has approved a grant to host a workshop on viruses in the built environment. Building on the success of the foundation’s Microbiology of the Built Environment program, the workshop will convene researchers from academia and government agencies to address questions about the viral community and its dynamics in the built …

Job posting: Bioinformatician/Statistician- (BioStatistician) (Gladstone Institute)

Posting below:   Responsibilities We are seeking a talented Bioinformatician or Statistician to join the dynamic bioinformatics team here at Gladstone Institutes.  You will be providing bioinformatics and computational support to the world-class biomedical research conducted in labs at Gladstone Institutes, UCSF, and beyond. Working closely with experimental scientists, you will lead end-to-end studies from …

Ever wonder what microbes are in your showerhead? Well, looks like maybe you should care …

Completely fascinating, and a wee bit terrifying new paper worth a read:: Ecological Analyses of Mycobacteria in Showerhead Biofilms and Their Relevance to Human Health Abstract: Bacteria within the genus Mycobacterium can be abundant in showerheads, and the inhalation of aerosolized mycobacteria while showering has been implicated as a mode of transmission in nontuberculous mycobacterial …

Fungi and bacteria and lice, oh my! These are some of Rob Dunn’s favorite things. 

Source: Opinion | Discovering the Great Indoors Definitely worth checking out this opinion piece in the NY Times bye Rob Dunn on “Discovering the Great Indoors”. It has a bit about Van Leeuwenhoek, and bits about fungi and lice and bacteria and tardigrades and foldscope and more.  Rob Dunn is really one of the great …