Panel Discussion Q&A-Charting MoBE Research Priorities-MoBE 2017

Here is a Q&A session for a panel discussion about Charting MoBE Research Priorities. The panel consists of Jordan Peccia, Amy Pruden, Rachel Adams and is moderated by Jonathan Eisen. This was recorded at the MoBE 2017 symposium in Washington D.C. If you’re interested, check out all of the other speakers from MoBE 2017 on our YouTube channel!

Strain-resolved analysis of hospital rooms & infants reveals overlap between human & room microbiome 

Of potential interest – new paper from the Banfield Lab – thanks to Elisabeth Bik for pointing me to this on Twitter.   Preterm infants exhibit different microbiome colonization patterns relative to full-term infants, and it is speculated that the hospital room environment may contribute to infant microbiome development. Here, we present a genome-resolved metagenomic …