Changing How We Talk About Antibiotic Resistance

I was catching up on my NPR shows this evening and this one is definitely worth a listen. Here are the slides that they talk about in the podcast that summarize conversations with a focus group in England about antimicrobial resistance. Science Friday interviews Ed Young (who I highly recommend you follow on Twitter if you don’t already) …

The microbiome of your coffee maker

Here is a fun recent article by Vilanova et al. on the coffee machine bacteriome (open access in Nature’s Scientific Reports) that made me wonder why didn’t we think of doing this. In this study, the authors sampled the inner drip tray (below the capsule container) of nine different Nespresso capsule coffee machines. They found that Enterococcus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. were abundant in most …

MoBE Postdoctoral Fellowship: Characterization of Microbial Contributions to Volatile Organic Compounds in the Residential Environment

Microbes are ubiquitous in the built environment and present as a unique ecological component of importance for indoor air quality. One major influence of microbial activities on indoor air quality is through the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Although a variety of microbial VOCs (mVOCs) have been identified in laboratory studies, compounds exclusively of …

#microbenet moves reference collection from Mendeley to Zotero

One of the main goals of microBEnet has been to improve cross-talk between disciplines with the field of the microbiology of the built environment.  One way we’ve attempted to accomplish that is through a manually curated collection of all publications relevant to the field.  At the time we began, Mendeley seemed the obvious choice for …

Changes in Microbes of the Built Environment in Early Stages of Urbanization

  In our previous 2012 Sloan project “Microbes of the built environment spanning human urbanization” we studied environmental microbes in gradients of transculturation and of urban social stratification at the basin of the Amazon River, from hunter-gatherer villages in Peru, to the modern city of Manaus. The results showed an association between changes in home …

Really cool sounding Built Environment Research Facility… but what about microbes?

The Mayo Clinic in MN has built a research facility called the “Well Living Lab” which aims to help research connections between health and the built environment.   Here’s a description of the facility from their website: At the Lab, we research the real-world impact of indoor environments on human health and well-being, and generate evidence-based …

Job posting: 4 year NERC freshwater eDNA PDRA

Just saw a posting about this on Twitter by Simon Creer and thought it might be of interest.   4 year NERC freshwater eDNA PDRA now recruiting! Understanding the ecological relevance of eDNA in freshwater lotic ecosystems (NERC Highlight Topic funding) We are looking for a dynamic researcher to fulfil a leading role in a …

A cloud of cloud things for detecting clouds

For the past couple of years, there has been a storm gathering on the horizon of indoor air quality monitoring. Nucleating around crowd-funding sites such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo, these devices seem to advect along roughly similar trajectories. The teams working on these projects have created a sort of high pressure system wafting high-quality industrial …