OK I have not tried this out yet but this could be of interest. ATLAS (Automatic Tool for Local Assembly Structures) is a comprehensive multi-omics data analysis pipeline that is massively parallel and scalable. ATLAS contains a modular analysis pipeline for assembly, annotation, quantification and genome binning of metagenomics and metatranscriptomics data and a framework …
Here at microBEnet we have been trying to help build up the field of “microbiology of the built environment.” Understandably, a lot of the focus of this field has been on human built environments and humans in such built environments. I (and clearly many others) believe that we can learn a lot by expanding this to …
Worth a listen – On “Here and Now” – Jeremy Hobson interviews Jordan Peccia about the ongoing NPR study on How Do Indoor Microbiomes Affect Human Health? The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine are conducting a study of microbial communities inside buildings and how they affect human health. Source: How Do Indoor Microbiomes Affect Human Health? …
There is an interesting new paper out of interest. I found out about this through Twitter Study reports multidrug resistant #bacteria found in #hospital sinks – New research in @ASMicrobiology‘s #AEM https://t.co/0i7GKoPmUE pic.twitter.com/ZM9gAavL2t — ASM Newsroom (@ASMnewsroom) February 24, 2017 Now this caught my attention because it seemed to be about, well, multidrug resistant …
There are a number of cases where determining the relationship between microbes is at the center of a research question. Are the microbes inhabiting a building the same as those inhabiting its tenants? Are the microbes in a hospital room the same as those that colonize newborn babies? Is the E. coli living on a …
Not really sure what to think about this article: Ants as Vectors of Bacteria in Hospital Environments. Published in the Journal of Microbiology Research and authored by Bruna Rafaela Machado Oliveira, Luciano Ferreira de Sousa, Raquel Chalá Soares, Thiago César Nascimento, Marcelo Silva Madureira, Jorge Luiz Fortuna. In a quick scan the science seems reasonable. …
There is a whole issue of the Annals of the NY Academy of Sciences that may be of interest. The focus of the issue is on Antimicrobial Therapeutics Reviews. Some of the papers are freely available. These are Resistance diagnosis and the changing epidemiology of antibiotic resistance(pages 5–17) by David McAdams Resistance diagnosis and the changing …
This is a great idea — Instructor training for teaching computational workshops. From my UC Davis colleague Titus Brown. I have copied details below. As part of our Summer Institute in Data Intensive Biology, we will be running a week-long instructor training from June 18 to June 25 at the University of California, Davis. The instructor training will …
I have been tracking #actuallivingscientist postings on Twitter compiled those by people doing microbiology. Actual living microbiologists. [View the story “These are actual living microbiologists #actuallivingscientist #microbiology #microbes #microBEnet” on Storify]
Got pointed to a very interesting long read story by Erica Hartmann on Twitter: Long read about how @Google is helping ID healthier building materials. Can’t wait to be able to use Portico! https://t.co/gdxDL8IUYq — Erica Hartmann (@ericamhartmann) February 6, 2017 The story is by Diana Budds at the FastCoDesign. It is definitely worth a …