NASEM Microbiomes of the Built Environment Study – Webcast 12/1 of Meeting #4

Got this by email: ————- Good afternoon – The fourth meeting of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s committee on Microbiomes of the Built Environment: From Research to Application will be a mostly closed meeting so that the committee can work on finalizing their recommendations and conclusions for the final report, but will …

Assistant Professor Microbial Ecology at University of Oregon

Assistant Professor Microbial Ecology Institute of Ecology and Evolution and Department of Biology University of Oregon The University of Oregon Institute of Ecology and Evolution ( and the Department of Biology invite applications for a tenure-track position (Assistant Professor) in microbial ecology. We are particularly interested in candidates whose research addresses fundamental concepts in microbial …

Notice of Intent deadline extended to 11/7 for Sloan MoBE ISS postdocs #BuiltEnvironment

I have copied this text from an announcement I received in an email from Paul Olsiewski of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation announces a funding opportunity in its Microbiology of the Built Environment (MoBE) program, the Sloan ISS MoBE Postdoctoral Fellowship―Research Opportunities for Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Space Biology to Study …

Microbial Anthropology: the convergence of microbiomes and their modern impacts, through the lens of evolution and ecology

  In a recent story published in Cell this week, I walk through my own life and career, to deliver the message that humans are changing their own microbial communities as well as those in animals and in the environment, and that health research needs a substantial dose of an evolutionary, ecological and anthropological perspective …

Meeting Report: Microbiomes of the Built Environment – Meeting #3: Day 1

Today was the first day of the 3rd meeting in the NAS-sponsored series of “Microbiomes of the Built Environment:  From Research to Application” meetings.  This meeting was held at UC Irvine and the goal was to provide information for the NAS committee that will subsequently produce a report on the status of the field.  For …

From @teamwaxman in STAT: pharma waste and antibiotic resistance

Waste released from pharmaceutical plants in India and China is contributing to the spread of antibiotic-resistant superbugs. So this is certainly interesting.  There is an opinion piece in STAT by Henry Waxman and Bill Corr from Waxman Strategies: Waste from pharmaceutical plants promotes antibiotic-resistant superbugs.  It is of interest both because we are almost certainly in …

Metagenomics workshop taught by Titus Brown and Harriet Alexander

This is definitely worth checking out. Titus Brown and Harriet Alexander taught a two day metagenomics workshop at UCSD and they have written up some details about it and posted videos. Wrap up blog: titus-blog/2016-metagenom ics-workshop-at-sio.rst at public · ctb/titus-blog · GitHub All the docs here: Videos