Space Gets Slimed: New Satellite Will Monitor Mold Growth in Space |

Here’s a story that combines two of my favorite topics these days, microbes and space.  In this case students from Japan are building a special satellite to house and photograph slime mold growth (Dictyostelium discoideum).  I’m not sure exactly what they’ll learn from this, but it sounds cool!  Pictures and data will be publicly available …

Spaceflight Promotes Biofilm Formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa – PLOS ONE

Had to post about this recent paper that came out in PLOS ONE, “Spaceflight Promotes Biofilm Formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa“.  Obviously we’re thinking a lot about bacterial activity in space, apropos of our Project MERCCURI work. Really the title says it all here.  Biofilms are awesome.  Space is awesome.  Turns out that biofilms in space …

“Life in the “Plastisphere”: Microbial Communities on Plastic Marine Debris”

Giant piles of plastic floating in the ocean might not be what most people think of when they hear the phrase “built environment”… but hey, we built it! Turns out that this “plastisphere” has it’s own microbiome, distinct from the seawater around it.  Not surprisingly of course, but cool that someone is looking.   Abstract below, …