Micro Student Symposium 5/6 at @ucberkeley w/ Keynotes by Victoria Orphan and Michael Laub

The Microbiology Student Group at UC Berkeley welcomes you to join us for the 17th Annual Microbiology Student Symposium (MSS) on Friday, May 6, 2016 at the David Brower Center in Berkeley. This year, our keynote speakers are Victoria Orphan from Caltech and Micheal Laub from MIT. The MSS provides a forum for students researching …

GSC18: Genomic Metadata Standards Consortium annual meeting, June 12-15th, 2016, Crete

The 18th Genomic Standards Consortium meeting 12-15 June 2016. Crete Hellenic Center for Marine Research GSC 18 will include 8 sessions. Each session will have a working group which would meet during the workshop and the chair of each session will summarise the conclusions of the working group during the workshop. Workshop participants are encouraged …

21st Annual International Meeting on Microbial Genomes at Lake Arrowhead 9/18-22

The meeting page for the 21st Annual International Meeting on Microbial Genomes at Lake Arrowhead is now up.  This has been one of my favorite meetings for many many years (full disclosure – I am now a co-organizer and have been for the last few meetings).  Note – the meeting is NOT just about genomes – it …

2016 AIA South Atlantic Region Conference Call for Presentation

Just got this email and thought it might be of interest to some: AIA South Atlantic Region seeks innovative speakers and facilitators for presentations to be offered during the 2016 Regional Conference in Wilmington, NC, September 29 — October 1. This conference will provide the highest amount of Continuing Education Units for architect members in …

Standards for Microbiome Measurements Workshop: Register by Feb 5th

(Update:  This is probably at the NIST campus in MD… though it doesn’t actually say on their website) NIST is hosting an interesting sounding workshop on “Standards for Microbiome Measurements“.  The workshop will be held on April 4-5th 2016 (presumably on the NIST campus in Boulder, CO).  Information about the workshop below: Purpose: This NIST-NIAID workshop will seek …

Evolution of DNA Sequencing

Last week I had the opportunity to present a lecture on the history of DNA sequencing in Jonathan Eisen’s EVE 161 Microbial Phylogenomics course. This lecture uses Elaine Mardis’ excellent review papers on the next generation sequencing methods as a guide (and required reading). You can see videos of both Dr. Mardis and Dr. Eisen presenting lectures on this topic. …

Storify wrap up of #PSB16 Session on Computational Microbiology #microbiomes

I made a Storify summary of the Tweets from a workshop at the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing that I attended on Tuesday on Computational Microbiology (with a big focus on microbiomes). [<a href="//storify.com/phylogenomics/psb16-session-on-microbiomes” target=”_blank”>View the story “#PSB16 session on computational microbiome #microbiomes ” on Storify]