Storify of Talk by Jo Handelsman at DOE JGI Meeting on Plant Secondary Metabolites

This may be of interest to some. I made a Storify of some Tweets by me and a few others from a talk by Jo Handelsman yesterday. ———————– UPDATE December 2018 Storify is no longer in existence. Fortunately we were able to convert the Storify summary to one via Wakelet. Wakelet details Link to the …

Sloan Foundation-funded workshops at Healthy Buildings Europe 2017

Next week, the Lublin University of Technology in Lublin, Poland will host the Healthy Buildings Europe conference. Over 300 scientists, engineers, and professionals will gather to present and discuss building science. The Sloan Foundation is sponsoring workshops at the meeting to bring together leaders in the field and advance the state of the science. A …

Compiling a list of Microbiology of the Built Environment related presentations at ASMicrobe17

I am compiling information about presentations related to MoBE topics at the ASM Microbe 2017 meeting.  This may be useful to those attending the meeting in selecting where to go and also to those outside who might be interested presentations on MoBE topics at this meeting. If anyone knows of others, please let me know. …

Microbiology of the Built Environment (MoBE) Symposium at NCSE

On January 24, 2017 we held a 90 minute symposium titled “Microbiology of the Built Environment: Implications for Health and Design” at the National Council for Science and the Environment Conference (NCSE) conference in Washington, DC. Thank you to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for sponsoring this event. The NCSE conference integrates science and policy, …

American Society for Microbiology “#asmicrobe” meeting June 1-5

Coming up in June (June 1-5) in New Orleans.  ASM Microbe 2017, the Annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. For more information see The meeting should be very good. Hotel deadline is May 17. For sessions on some topics of interest see Antimicrobial Agents and Infectious Diseases Applied and Environmental Science Clinical and …

Kristen DeAngelis slides for “Microbial Diversity” Course

My course slides are updated for 2017 with a new lecture on acellular life. Lecture 01 (3-21-2017) slides from Kristen DeAngelis Lec02 phylogeny (3-23-2017) from Kristen DeAngelis Lecture 03 (3-28-2017) slides from Kristen DeAngelis Lecture 20 (4-20-2017) slides from Kristen DeAngelis Lecture 22 (4-27-2017) slides from Kristen DeAngelis   Lecture 23 (5-2-2017) acellular life slides …