Sloan Foundation’s Indoor Environment Symposium at Indoor Air 2014

Sloan Symposium at Indoor Air 2014 The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Program on Microbiology of the Built Environment has awarded a grant to Indoor Air 2014, the 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, to be held in Hong Kong from July 7-12, 2014. Paraphrasing a quote on the conference web site from …

Methinks the Tampa Bay Buccaneers could use a microbial ecologist on staph staff

ESPN reports that the Tampa Bay Buccaneers management has arranged to have one of their facilities “treated” due to presence of MRSA: Tampa Bay Buccaneers treat facility to prevent MRSA outbreak – ESPN.  Seems like this would be a good case study for a team of microbial ecologists with experience in sporting facilities.  Calling Project MERCCURI. …

Space Gets Slimed: New Satellite Will Monitor Mold Growth in Space |

Here’s a story that combines two of my favorite topics these days, microbes and space.  In this case students from Japan are building a special satellite to house and photograph slime mold growth (Dictyostelium discoideum).  I’m not sure exactly what they’ll learn from this, but it sounds cool!  Pictures and data will be publicly available …

Talks uploaded from Sloan Conference on Microbiology of the Built Environment

Well only a mere couple of months after the 2nd Annual Sloan Conference on the Microbiology of the Built Environment Conference ended I’ve finally gotten all of the talks up onto YouTube.   There’s a few missing (opted out or technical problems) but most of them are there.  It was a great and informative series of …