Crosspost from Tree of Life Blog: IBM will save the planet with this magical hydrogel – NOT

Crossposting this from my Tree of Life blog. Well, press releases can drive me crazy.  And this one is one of the worst I have seen in a while: IBM News room – 2013-01-24 IBM and The Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology Develop New Antimicrobial Hydrogel to Fight Superbugs and Drug-Resistant Biofilms – United States This …

Content is King (Part 1): Social Media strategies according to Evan Bailyn

Part of what we’re trying to do on this site is to put the net in microBEnet. As in, building an online network for an emerging research discipline (Microbiology of the Built Environment) that connects building scientists and engineers with biologists, ecologists and computer scientists. The internet is a big place. Publicizing a new cause or web …

New paper on bacterial diversity in NICUs

Quick post here.  There is a new paper out on bacterial diversity in NICUs: PLOS ONE: Bacterial Diversity in Two Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). Full citation: Hewitt KM, Mannino FL, Gonzalez A, Chase JH, Caporaso JG, et al. (2013) Bacterial Diversity in Two Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). PLoS ONE 8(1): e54703. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054703. Quick summary: they …

Proposed ASHRAE Standard on Prevention of Legionellosis – public comment invited

[edited from the ASHRAE press release] Changes to clarify requirements in a proposed standard are open for public comment. The proposed ASHRAE standard, 188P, Prevention of Legionellosis Associated with Building Water Systems, specifies what must be done to control the spread of legionellosis. The standard helps facility managers/owners understand how to apply the available information …

Evolutionary Biology of the Built Environment Working Group: Call for Participants #NESCent #microBEnet

Call for participants for a meeting on Evolutionary Biology of the Built Environment.  Details copied from the announcement and posted below: The Basics: We need your help. We are organizing the first working group aimed at understanding the evolutionary biology of the built environment–our bedrooms, our houses, our backyards and our cities. This working group will occur June …

Session on Citizen Microbiology at ASM meeting; Denver 5/19; abstracts due 1/15

This is going to rock.  Citizen microbiology – highlighted at the American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting in Denver in May.  The details on the session are below.  Sunday May 19 at the American Society for Microbiology General Meeting in Denver.  If you are interested in attending Register here.  If you work on some aspect of …

“HICprevent” blog on hospital infection control & prevention (microBEnet blog of the day)

HICprevent is today’s microBEnet microbiology’s Blog of the Day.  Blogs are taken from list of Microbiology Blogs we have curated at microBEnet. This blog is one of the few blogs we have found out there that is heavily focused on microbes specifically in the built environment.  The blog is by Gary Evans and is associated with a publication from AHC media “Hospital …

“Battle Against the Flu” on radio 10 January

Thursday January 10 at 10:06 am on the east coast, the Diane Rehm Show will focus on the flu. You can read the advance description at To find your local station, if you don’t already know it, go to Most local stations make their broadcasts available on their web sites. “This year’s flu …

“The Germ Guy: Confessions of a Mercurial Microbiologist” blog (microBEnet blog of the day)

The Germ Guy is today’s microBEnet microbiology’s Blog of the Day.  Blogs are taken from list of Microbiology Blogs we have curated at microBEnet.  The germ guy blog is by Jason “Germ Guy” Tetro and it focuses on  “A personal and unique look at germs, hygiene and staying healthy.”  He is pretty active in media and social media (e.g., follow him on …