Advances in imaging the oral microbiome would have interesting applications in the built environment

When we talk about “community structure” in microbial ecology we are usually referring to the composition and frequency of various species in that community, information often arrived at through rRNA sequencing and/or metagenomics. But there is of course also a “real” structure of communities, particularly in biofilms.  Some species tend to be physically associated with …

Updated microBEnet calendar – additional suggestions wanted

In preparation for the New Year, we’ve updated our “Upcoming Events” page and calendar to include conferences/workshops etc. that we hope will be of interest.  We’ve tried to include both microbiology and building sciences, but mainly places where they overlap. Please feel free to send us any additional suggestions!  

“Microbial Home” by Philips takes a futuristic, holistic, positive look at microbes in the home

As with our recent musings on probiotics for buildings, sometimes it’s fun and productive to think about the distant future in the microbiology of the built environment. And Royal Philips Electronics (Netherlands) has done just that with their futuristic “Microbial Home” project.  I’m not saying every one of their ideas will work, or that I’m …

Wastewater contribues to antibiotic resistance even after the best available treatments

Wastewater treatment systems are one of the few built environments where microbes get the attention we believe they deserve.   Bacteria in particular are a critical component of treating the massive waste stream generated by humanity on a daily basis.  And those bacteria are basically harmless out in the wild… unless they harbor and transfer antibiotic …

Conference of interest: Conference on Building Energy and Environment

Just became aware of a conference that may be of interest to those who care about microbiology of the built environment: The Second International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE). From their website: Energy and environment concerns have been ranked among the top problems facing society for the next 50 years, of which buildings …

Course Announcement: Introduction to Food- and Air-Borne Fungi, June 18-22 Ottawa

Introduction to Food- and Air-Borne Fungi. 18-22 June 2012, Ottawa, Canada. We are pleased to offer our five day course for mycologists interested in food spoilage, indoor air quality, industrial hygiene, mycotoxins, pharmaceuticals, biodeterioration, etc.. More than 100 mould and yeast species common in indoor air and on food will be examined, including important species of Penicillium, Aspergillus, Fusarium …