Preprint of interest: Phylogenetics and the human microbiome

Paper of potential interest to the microBEnet crowd: Phylogenetics and the human microbiome.  It is a preprint in ArXiv by Erick Matsen.  It focuses on the human microbiome but discusses the history of methods for phylogenetic analysis of microbial communities and it is quite good.  Thanks to Erick for posting this to arXiv so that people …

American Gut data and pipelines now freely available

While not exactly the microbiology of the built environment, studies of the human microbiome are the next closest thing and and understanding of both will be critical to creating healthier living environments. The American Gut project is the largest, crowdfunded/citizen science human microbiome effort, with over 3,000 participants so far (including myself).  In addition to …

Not all pathogen research should be done

Recently, a bit of an uproar occurred when the CDC reported that workers there had been accidentally exposed to the bacterium that causes anthrax.  The lesson from this?  Well, I think it is simple.  Accidents happen.  And they can happen anywhere to anyone.  No matter how careful one is. A few days ago a friend …