Just posting some links to some posts from my Tree of Life blog that may be of interest to the microBEnet blog readers. Wow – Google Scholar “Updates” a big step forward in sifting through the scientific literature Scifoo Notes via Storify A centralized journal commenting system? Who would comment there? Volunteers? Episode of Radio …
NOTE: This is a cross-post that I had originally published at Deep-sea News California has been a big transition for me. I mean big. Not only am I now living in the sun-drenched utopia I have long pined for (a climate which finally meets my minimum temperature preference of 90F), but I also have leaped …
I really love Wordle and Tag Clouds. Here is one for the microBEnet blog. For the original version at Wordle see here.
Just a quick one here — been pointed to the existence of a “self-sterilizing” keyboard (e.g., Brier Dudleys Blog | FDA OKs Vioguards germ-killing keyboard | Seattle Times Newspaper.) from a company called Vioguard. Clearly keyboards could be a “breeding” ground for nasty microbes so cleaning keyboards, especially those used in hospitals, seems like a good …
Just a follow up on an earlier post about microbes on hospital workers clothing. There is an interesting editorial responding to the news from the recent study that may be of interest: Second Opinion: Bacteria hitchhikes on hospital apparel – Milford, MA – The Milford Daily News. Clearly, we need to think about clothing as …
Just another cross posting here of some links to posts on my “Tree of Life” blog that may be of interest to microBEnet: C-DEBI Research Support > Request for Research Proposals Great paper showing the potential power of comparative and evolutionary genomics in #PLoS Genetics Sharing what I have been learning about sharing audio synched …
Just a quick one here. I have written some recent posts on my “Tree of Life” blog that may be of interest to some of the readers here. Here are the links: More on ‘phylogenomics’ – as in functional prediction w/ phylogeny Playing around with CloVR – cloud computing bioinformatics system I think …
Recently I wrote here about a new report on a citizen microbiology effort focusing on microbes in water heaters: More on citizen microbiology project from @Penn_State & @NASA on thermophiles in water heaters via @scicheer @Sci4Cits Well, a new paper in PLoS One (PLoS ONE: Aquarium Nitrification Revisited: Thaumarchaeota Are the Dominant Ammonia Oxidizers in Freshwater …
I love citizen science. And I dream of doing citizen microbiology. Thus I love the project going on at Penn. St. on getting people to sample microbes in hot water heaters (posted a mini note about it a while ago). There is a good article about this project on the Science For Citizens blog here: …
Well, kudos I suppose to the headline writer for this one: Your faeces, my furry friend, are blowin’ in the wind – health – 12 August 2011 – New Scientist. The article is about recent work by Noah Fierer and colleagues on bacteria in outdoor air in cities. Not exactly microbiology of the built environment …