The Microbiome and the Environment (Webinar)

The Microbiome and the Environment Title: The Microbiome and the Environment Date: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 Time: 9:00 a.m. EDT, 8:00 a.m. CDT, 6:00 a.m. PDT Duration: 60 minutes including Q&A More Information Microorganisms are Earth’s oldest life forms and have come to inhabit virtually every location on the planet. Recent advances in technology have …

Webinar on “Microbiomes and the Environment” 

Got pointed to this by Ameet Pinto on Twitter and it seems likely of interest @microBEnet folks – this seems very relevant. cc @phylogenomics @davidacoil – Ameet Pinto (@watermicrobe) July 15, 2016 //   From the site: The Microbiome and the Environment Microorganisms are Earth’s oldest life forms and have come to inhabit virtually every …

Project to study sea turtle microbiomes in captivity and in the wild

Professor Aubrey Tauer of City University of New York, LaGuardia Community College is running an crowdfunding campaign to support research conducted by her non-profit organization to better understand how sea turtle microbiomes vary in captivity and in wild populations. I asked her to write up something for microBEnet about the project. The campaign ends next week, so check it out …

NAS study on Microbiomes of the Built Environment (Washington, DC)

Coming next week June 20-21 Meeting #2 of the NAS study on Microbiomes of the Built Environment. Meeting is free to attend in person or online and the agenda includes some amazing people so it should be worth checking out. Some more detail from their website is below: The study’s second public meeting will be held …

June 20-21 Meeting #2 for NAS Microbiomes of the Built Environment Study

Coming next week June 20-21 Meeting #2 of the NAS study on Microbiomes of the Built Environment. Meeting is free to attend in person or online and the agenda includes some amazing people so it should be worth checking out. Some more detail from their website is below: The study’s second public meeting will be held …

Outdoors, occupants, and the pan-microbiome: a review

Our group here at the City University of Hong Kong is interested in looking at microbial communities in built environments (BEs) of various sorts, including subways and residences. We have recently come up with a review article describing how outdoor and indoor occupants help shape a potential global BE “pan-microbiome,” the microbiome that encompasses BEs around the globe, which …

Urban microbiomes and urban agriculture

About half the human population now lives in urban environments. In 2008, populations of more developed nations were about 74% urban, while about 44% of residents of less developed countries lived in urban areas. It is projected that 70% of the world population will be urban by 2050, with most urban growth occurring in less developed countries. While there …

Built environment microbiome design charrette

During the winter term at University of Oregon, I led a design-oriented microbiome course for graduate and undergraduate students from a variety of disciplines (Architecture, Environmental Studies, Landscape Architecture, and Planning). Just for the record, these design students were VERY enthusiastic to learn about microbiome science, although they were somewhat disconcerted to find out how …

Are Autonomous Sewer Robots Live-Streaming Neighborhood Microbiome Data?

Ok I saw this Tweet and I thought it sounded cool: Autonomous Sewer Robots Live-Stream Neighborhood Microbiome Data – Nickolaus Hines – Elisabeth Bik (@MicrobiomDigest) May 5, 2016 And definitely worth looking into in more detail.  And, well, after looking I still think it is cool but not quite what the headline suggests. …

Standards for Microbiome Measurements Workshop (Gaithersburg, MD)

NIST and NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Human Microbiome Project (NIAID-HMP) August 9-10, 2016 | Gaithersburg, MD This workshop will seek input on defining reference materials, reference data and reference methods for microbiome community measurements. For more information, visit: