home Microbiology EID Journal: H7N9’s Evolution During China’s Third Wave

EID Journal: H7N9’s Evolution During China’s Third Wave





I am testing out our new PressForward system here at microBEnet so I hope this works. I saw an interesting post at the EID journal that seemed like it might be of interest.




3 waves of H7N9  –  Credit WHO


We are only a few months away from China’s expected return of H7N9, an avian influenza virus that first appeared during the winter and spring of 2013, and has returned each winter since.  While of low pathogenicity to birds, this virus can cause significant illness and even death in humans, and has been responsible for more than 600 human infections during its first couple of years.



See more here EID Journal: H7N9’s Evolution During China’s Third Wave — Guangdong Province

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