Microbiomes of the Built Environment in the Classroom

This semester, I’m teaching a microbiology course for non-majors. The course was originally designed to focus on microbial diseases and public health, but as I crafted my version of the course, I wanted to broaden our view of microbiology and include the fascinating field of microbiome research. In our first few weeks (relentless winter weather …

#microBEnet education and training notes: IGERT on Indoor Environmental Science and Engineering

We are starting a new thread here on the blog focusing on education and training in microBEnet related topics (metagenomics, microbiology, the built environment, etc).  And I discovered a very interesting program at the University of Texas.  There they have what is called an “IGERT.”  The IGERT program is ” the National Science Foundation’s flagship interdisciplinary …

Course announcement: Introduction to food and air-borne molds – June 6-10, 2011, Ottawa

Just got information about this course: INTRODUCTION TO FOOD AND AIR-BORNE MOLDS – 2011 (a course in fungal identification) (See the website here International Commission on Indoor Fungi (ICIF)).  From the organizer: Introduction to Food- and Air-Borne Fungi. 6-10 June 2011, Ottawa, Canada. For the first time in three years, we are pleased to offer our five …