Indexed PCR Primers Induce Template-Specific Bias in Large-Scale DNA Sequencing Studies

So I had two thoughts when I read the article title “Indexed PCR Primers Induce Template-Specific Bias in Large-Scale DNA Sequencing Studies“… #1:  Ack!  Yet another thing to worry about in the insanely complicated craziness that is 16S amplicon sequencing. #2: I probably shouldn’t be the person to blog about this because I’ve honestly never …

Another important paper: microbiome studies “strongly influenced by sample processing & PCR primers”

Another paper on how sample processing (and in this case PCR primer choice) can influence microbiome studies.  And another one that is definitely worth looking at: 16S rRNA gene-based profiling of the human infant gut microbiota is strongly influenced by sample processing and PCR primer choice. Microbiome 2015, 3:26 doi:10.1186/s40168-015-0087-4 by Alan W. Walker, Jennifer C. Martin, …