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Who are the microbes in your neighborhood? And some background for #AAASMoBe Symposium


Tomorrow all day there will be a meeting at AAAS HQ on “Microbiomes of the Built Environment“.  I will be speaking at the meeting, and this is one of my major research areas, so I am a bit biased, but the meeting is going to be great I think.  And it will be webcast live.  So I recommend everyone watch if you won’t be there.  The link to the WebCast will be posted tomorrow here (in the upper right where it currently says “Program”).  If you are new to this area or want a refresher I thought I would put together a list of some resources that might help you get caught up.  I note – I just put this together on my flight to Washington DC for the meeting and, alas, internet came in and out, so apologies if anything major is left out.  Anyway – here are some links …

Major Programs and Collections of Information on the Topic

Some review papers, blog posts, and news stories

Individual Project pages:

Social Media on microbiology of the built environment

Catching up and keeping up with the literature

Some videos to watch

Some other links of interest

Now everyone – sing it with me

Who are the microbes in your neighborhood?

In your neighborhood.

In your neigh-bor-hood.

Say – Who are the microbes in your neighborhood?

The microbes that you meet each day.

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