Arrived today for the bi-annual Lake Arrowhead Microbial Genomics meeting up in the San Bernadino mountains. This is my 4th time at this meeting, and it’s my clear favorite. As in past years, I’ll blog something about the talks each day and will try to do some sort of collection of tweets as well (no …
I’m torn between wanting to ignore this story and wanting to attack the media reports on the study. I think I’ll compromise on a minimum set of complaints. Firstly, the paper itself (“Deposition of respiratory virus pathogens on frequently touched surfaces at airports“) is more or less fine. The authors used real-time PCR to look …
Very torn about this. On the one hand “Microbiology of the Built Environment” by Jack Gilbert and Brent Stephens is a great summary of the current status of the field. On the other hand, it’s behind a paywall and I can’t access the article from my house where I am currently working. In the interests …
Just got pointed to a description of this 1-day meeting in New York on October 12, 2018… “It’s a Brave New World: Applications, Promise and Public Implications of Metagenomics in Urban Settings”. Sounds like a great lineup of speakers and certainly a fascinating topic! Meeting description below: This 1-day symposium brings together urban microbiome …
Job posting from the University of Puget Sound, looking for someone with an interest in both teaching and bioinformatics. Summary text below: The Department of Biology at the University of Puget Sound, a predominantly undergraduate liberal arts college in Tacoma, Washington, seeks to recruit a tenure-line Assistant Professor. Excellence in teaching is highly valued …
So the University of Oregon apparently may hire as many as 30 faculty in variety of disciplines, many potentially related to MoBE and Indoor Chemistry. From the job announcement: Position Announcement The Knight Campus at the University of Oregon invites applications for one or more tenure-track faculty positions with a significant track record of research …
(This is a guest blog post, written by Madhan Tirumalai and George Fox, authors of the publication) Comparative genomics help identify novel genes of radiation resistant spore producing Bacillus sp. from Spacecraft assembly facilities Madhan R Tirumalai and George E. Fox Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Houston, Houston, USA. The …
So Indoor Air 2018 is fast approaching (June 22-27th) and there are a large number of MoBE-relevant talks on the menu. The preliminary program for the entire conference can be found here. Paula Olsiewski from the Sloan Foundation sent us a list this morning of the talks relevant to the Sloan funded microbiology of the …
(This post was written by, and posted on behalf of, Sima Tokajian at LAU) The Department of Natural Sciences in the School of Arts and Sciences at the Lebanese American University invites applicants for a post-doctoral fellowship position in the field of Microbial Genomics within a Microbial Pathogenomics team. The department is seeking a highly …
I’m going to guess that most people reading this have at least heard of Twitter, if not used it themselves. Presidents tweet government policy, literal revolutions have been fostered on Twitter, and celebrity feuds consume the tabloids. But what is it? And how might it help your science? Twitter is just a platform… on the …