Assistant Professor – Microbial Ecology and Evolution – 1902892 The Department of Biology at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) invites applications for a tenure-stream appointment in Microbial Ecology and Evolution, at the rank of Assistant Professor, commencing July 1, 2020, or shortly thereafter. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Biology or closely related …
Job posting from here at UC Davis: The laboratories of Danielle Lemay (USDA Western Human Nutrition Research Center) and David Mills (UC Davis Food Science) seek a motivated postdoctoral scholar for a one year project. The goal of the project is to determine how dietary intake influences antimicrobial resistance in fecal metagenomes of healthy adults. The …
So our lab appears to be digging deeper and deeper into the world of wastewater treatment, especially the process of removing ammonia from wastewater in the final steps. I’ve posted before about our sample collection from a pilot wastewater treatment facility. We’ve been sequencing those samples like crazy… we’ve thrown Nanopore, Illumina, and PacBio data …
This is a meeting report from the 2019 “3rd COSPAR Meeting to Address Planetary Protection Knowledge Gaps for Human Missions and Working Meeting on Microbial and Human Health Monitoring”. As much as NASA loves acronyms, I can see why no one liked the idea of the “COSPAR-MAPPKGHMWMMHHM 2019” name. Speaking of acronyms… COSPAR stand for …
Just got pointed to this really awesome sounding job posting at NASA. Text below: Job Description Bioinformatics Scientist – 1079705 The Microbiology Laboratory at the NASA Johnson Space Center is seeking a highly motivated individual to fill a bioinformatics research position. The goal of the laboratory is to mitigate microbial risk to crew health, …
Just a quick note here to point out a number of EPA postdoc opportunities… some of which seem of potential interest to microBEnet folks.
Came across this relevant article today; “The sporadic nature of Legionella pneumophila, Legionella pneumophila Sg1 and Mycobacterium avium occurrence within residences and office buildings across 36 states in the United States“. Abstract Aim Premise plumbing may disseminate the bacteria Legionella pneumophila and Mycobacterium avium, the causative agents for legionellosis and pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacterium disease …
I don’t even remember exactly how it got started. I know that we had a group of undergrads that joined the lab in Fall 2012. Jenna Lang and I were trying to find a project where we could try having undergrads do a 16S study. I’m not sure how aquariums came up, but somebody had …
Just got pointed to this paper by Paula Olsiewski. Not necessarily a fan of another “-ome” word, but this seems like a really interesting study where they did intensive monitoring of environmental exposures of a few people over time. Abstract below: Human health is dependent upon environmental exposures, yet the diversity and variation in exposures …
Just a quick journal club post here, got pointed to this really interesting sounding article by David Thaler recently “Microwave detection and quantification of water hidden in and on building materials: implications for healthy buildings and microbiome studies.” As I understand the problem, it can be hard to quantify water in buildings, particularly water hidden …