Worth a look: City-scale distribution & dispersal routes of mycobiome in residences.

Quick post here — prepping for #MoBE17 meeting and found this new paper.  It seems like it is worth a look: City-scale distribution and dispersal routes of mycobiome in residences: Microbiome. 2017 Oct 4;5(1):131. doi: 10.1186/s40168-017-0346-7. Abstract BACKGROUND: Pathogenic and allergenic bacteria and fungi within the indoors can bring detrimental health effects on the occupants. We …

No – not all dogs are good for your microbiome … 

Epidemiological and other studies have shown that, on average, having a dog is correlated to some possible health benefits (e.g., see this).  And some studies have further suggested that this might be connected to “the microbiome” in that having a dog might change the microbiome of one’s surroundings and that this in turn might contribute …

Bates College: Symposium on Fostering Diversity in Microbiology: Research, Pedagogy, and Climate in STEM

Just got sent this and thought it might be of interest. Bates College: Call for Papers: Biology New Scholars Symposium on Fostering Diversity in Microbiology: Research, Pedagogy, and Climate in STEM Location: Lewiston, Maine Closes: Oct 20, 2017 Context: Founded in 1855, Bates is one of the nation’s leading liberal arts colleges, with a long …

KU: Asst Prof. in Microbial Environmental Metagenomics & Bioinformatics

Source: University of Kansas – Job details “The University of Kansas seeks a tenure-track assistant professor in Microbial Environmental Metagenomics and Bioinformatics.  This position is a full-time, academic year appointment.  The faculty member will conduct research in microbial environmental genomics, metagenomics and bioinformatics leading to publication in appropriate media; procure external funding as appropriate; participate …

Talk by Rich Corsi: Living in a Material World: Why the Surfaces that Surround You Affect What You Breathe

Rich Corsi was at UC Davis today giving a talk. The announcement for the talk with a summary is below: Living in a Material World: Why the Surfaces that Surround You Affect What You Breathe Richard L. Corsi, Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin Environmental & Water Resources Fall Seminar Series Tuesday, October 3, …

Aspen Center for Physics summer workshop on “Physical Principles Governing the Organization of Microbial Communities.”

This could be interesting – a workshops this summer at the Aspen Center for Physics. June 3 – June 24 Physical Principles Governing the Organization of Microbial Communities. Organizers: Kerwyn Casey Huang, Stanford University Rachel Dutton, University of California San Diego Alvaro Sanchez, Yale University Jeff Gore*, MIT Nearly every environment on earth is populated …

Today in possibly interesting science but needless fear mongering ..

So this sounds like there may be some interesting science going on here: Zero gravity had unexpected effects on E. coli samples, causing them to behave differently. That could present problems trying to treat them. Source: Space-Grown Bacteria Could Pose Major Problems for Astronauts But the article includes a bunch of needless fear mongering. What …