Faculty Position in Microbial Ecology At Dartmouth

Faculty Position in Microbial Ecology Department of Biological Sciences Hanover, NH USA The Department of Biological Sciences at Dartmouth College seeks applicants for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Microbial Ecology. We seek highly qualified candidates who investigate important questions relating to the ecology of microbes and their interactions with other organisms. Candidates must have …

Emily Anthes on “Can science build the perfect workspace? ” #BuiltEnvironment #microbiomes

Windows, desks and employees are being wired up in a quest to create healthy, evidence-based environments. Interesting article by Emily Anthes in Nature: The office experiment: Can science build the perfect workspace? : Nature News & Comment It focuses on a collaboration between the Mayo Clinic and a design firm – Delos to create something called the …

Review of interest: antimicrobial resistance in the environment (water edition)

There is a review out in Water Environment Research that may be of interested. Title: Antimicrobial Resistance in the Environment Water Environment Research, 2016 Literature Review, pp. 1951-1967(17) Authors: Williams, Maggie R.; Stedtfeld, Robert D.; Guo, Xueping; Hashsham, Syed A. Abstract. This review summarizes important publications from 2015 pertaining to the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the …

The hot new 10 questions concerning the microbiomes of buildings will surprise you

Ok so I made this into Clickbait.  But you really should read this and that has nothing to do with me being a co-author. The paper is “Ten questions concerning the microbiomes of buildings” and it is in “Building and Environment” a journal that I am becoming more and more appreciative of every month.  The …

7th ICME w/ Publishing dos and don’ts for Microbial Ecologists session

I don’t know anything about this course but certainly seems of interest. ————– Dear Colleagues, this is a reminder for the upcoming deadline for application to the 7th edition of the International Course in Microbial Ecology (7ICME – http://microbeco.org/7ICME.html). The event, entitled “Publishing dos and don’ts for Microbial Ecologists”, will take place from 24 to 27 …

FUNDING: US-UK Microbiome Partnership Development Awards: Open Call for Submissions

Got pointed to this by a few people and it seems worth checking out http://blogs.fco.gov.uk/patriciagruver/2016/08/31/funding-microbiome-partnership-development-awards-open-call-for-submissions/ Announcement copied below: FUNDING: Microbiome Partnership Development Awards: Open Call for Submissions The UK-US Partnership Development Awards Programme aims to develop new relationships in the field of microbiome research, leading to long‐term research collaborations. Applications for the current round are …

Very very big microbe news: FDA bans antibacterial soaps w/ triclosan & other chems

Well, this is enormously big news: The FDA today banned the use of triclosan as an ingredient in antibacterial soaps, saying that such cleaners were no better than regular soap. Source: FDA bans antibacterial soaps containing triclosan Lots and lots and lots of other stories about this. See for example FDA announcement Washington Post NPR …