Stanford Bioengineering, Jr. Faculty Search Announcement

Just got this job announcement by email: Hello, Please see the attached solicitation from Prof. Markus Covert regarding an open search for a faculty member in the Department of Bioengineering at Stanford University. We have recently launched a broad area search, open to faculty at the Assistant and Untenured Associate Professor level. Details and application …

microBEnet journal club: MetaBAT for reconstructing single genomes from complex microbial communities

    There is an interesting paper out a few days ago in PeerJ: MetaBAT, an efficient tool for accurately reconstructing single genomes from complex microbial communities. By Dongwan D. Kang, Jeff Froula, Rob Egan, Zhong Wang​.  The key to what they do in the paper is summarized in Figure 1:   The legend is below: There are three preprocessing steps before MetaBAT is …

Microbiome informed design – air quality, avoiding filtering, and lichens

This is one of those stories / articles / posts that simultaneously fascinates me and freaks me out a bit and for which I fluctuate wildly between those two points of view: bioME – RSA Human By Nature Entry on Behance By Candice de Aguiar Her basic design idea here is to allow for more microbial diversity …

Interesting and important new paper: Microbial composition of purified waters 

There is an interesting and potentially important new paper out from Caitlin Proctor, Marc Edwards and Amy Pruden: Microbial composition of purified waters and implications for regrowth control in municipal water systems in Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology.  The abstract is below:

Is your spacecraft contaminating the universe?

An article at Space.Com discusses a new push to make sure that spacecraft do not inadvertently contaminate the places they are visiting (e.g., Mars).  What microbes are on space vehicles and how to make sure the parts that are sent to other planets are “clean” or “sterile” is an interesting and active area of research. …

Simple & elegant solution to a big problem in DNA based microbial diversity studies

A new preprint has come out in PeerJ that presents a simple yet elegant solution to one of the bigger problems in DNA based microbial diversity studies.  The authors (Wenke Smets, Jonathan W Leff, Mark A Bradford, Rebecca L McCulley, Sarah Lebeer, Noah Fierer) show how one can use the addition of an internal standard …

From NC State: Citizen Science Effort Highlights How Little We Know About Invisible Life in Our Own Homes 

Scientists are announcing the discovery of thousands of unidentified species living in and around homes in the United States. NC State has a press release / mini story about the recent paper from the Wildlife of Your Homes project — Source: Citizen Science Effort Highlights How Little We Know About Invisible Life in Our Own …