Media, Social Media and Open Science – a summary of #IDWeek session

Just thought I would write up a quick post on a session at the Infectious Disease Week meeting in San Francisco that I was part of.  The session was entitled “Media, Social Media, and Open Access: Communicating the Science of Infectious Disease” and it featured three talks: Tara Smith, PhD: Using Social Media to Affect Change …

Four principles for good indoor air: minimize indoor emissions, keep dry, ventilate, protect against outdoor pollution.

Bill Nazaroff has a seemingly simple – but quite detailed and very useful article worth reading for anyone interested in indoor air / indoor environments.  It was published September 13 in Indoor Air:  Four principles for achieving good indoor air quality. In the paper Nazaroff first discusses how “Everything should be made as simple as possible, …

Article in @nytimes on Norm Pace’s lab’s work on microbial diversity in municipal water supplies

Very interesting article by Peter Andrey Smith: A Quest for Even Safer Drinking Water –  It tells the tale of Norm Pace and his lab’s field work to study the microbial diversity of municipal drinking water systems.  The work is part of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s program on Microbiology of the Built Environment and …

Methinks the Tampa Bay Buccaneers could use a microbial ecologist on staph staff

ESPN reports that the Tampa Bay Buccaneers management has arranged to have one of their facilities “treated” due to presence of MRSA: Tampa Bay Buccaneers treat facility to prevent MRSA outbreak – ESPN.  Seems like this would be a good case study for a team of microbial ecologists with experience in sporting facilities.  Calling Project MERCCURI. …

SpaceMicrobes & ProjectMERCCURI get a little press

Quick post here (crossposted from my Tree of Life blog). Our Project MERCCURI got some press coverage relating to an event July 20th with the Arizona Cardinals: Gilbert, Tempe participate in national microbe-swabbing project – East Valley Tribune: Gilbert. From the article: “The event – held at the Arizona Cardinals’ training facility on July 20 – …

New paper & meeting report on “The Hospital Microbiome Project”

Quick post to call attention to this meeting report: The Hospital Microbiome Project: Meeting Report for the 2nd Hospital Microbiome Project, Chicago, USA, January 15th, 2013 | Gilbert | Standards in Genomic Sciences. From the paper “This report details the outcome of the 2nd Hospital Microbiome Project workshop held on January 15th at the University of …

Pathomap: a big task regarding small things: a microbial map of New York City

Just found out about this really cool project: Pathomap | Mapping New York’s Unseen Residents. From the project page “Pathomap is a research project by Weill Cornell Medical College to study the microbiotic population and genetic dynamics in urban areas in order to detect and respond to escalated microbial dangers.” Basically, Chris Mason, along with collaborators, …

New paper on interest from Rachel Adams et al. on bias in sequence-based surveys of indoor fungi

Checking out this new paper from Rachel Adams, Anthony Amend, John Taylor and Thomas Bruns: A Unique Signal Distorts the Perception of Species Richness and Composition in High-Throughput Sequencing Surveys of Microbial Communities: a Case Study of Fungi in Indoor Dust – Online First – Springer. It is open access so anyone out there can get …

New paper of interest: Monitoring Seasonal Changes in Winery-Resident Microbiota

Quick post here.  There is a new paper out of interest to the microBEnet community: PLOS ONE: Monitoring Seasonal Changes in Winery-Resident Microbiota.  From colleagues of mine at UC Davis it discusses culture independent surveys of the Robert Mondavi Institute for Food and Wine Science Winery at UC Davis. I am running out the door or …

New Sloan Foundation funded project: The House Dust Fungal Microbiome — Influences and Effects

Just received an announcement that a new project has been funded through the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s program in the Microbiology of the Built Environment. The project is titled “The House Dust Fungal Microbiome — Influences and Effects.” and the PI is Susan V. Lynch from UCSF.  She kindly sent us a summary description of the …