Of potential interest: factors influencing antimicrobial use in global aquaculture #

This may be of interest to folks. Multiple stakeholders have, as a result, criticized the aquaculture industry, resulting in consequent regulations in some countries. AM use in aquaculture differs from that in livestock farming due to aquaculture’s greater diversity of species and farming systems, alternative means of AM application, and less consolidated farming practices in …

MoBE panel discussion-MoBE 2017

Enjoy this engaging panel discussion discussing the myth and reality of MoBE manipulation. The panel consists of Rita Colwell, Jeffrey Siegel, Ilana Brito, and Jessica Green. Moderated by Rob Knight, University of California San Diego. This was recorded at the MoBE 2017 symposium in Washington D.C. If you’re interested, check out all of the other speakers …

Paper generating a lot of buzz: Nucleic acid purification from plants, animals and microbes in under 30 seconds

Well, this paper is generating a lot of buzz on social media.  Nucleic acid purification from plants, animals and microbes in under 30 seconds.  For example see Eric Topol’s Tweet about it Now this is innovative: paper dipstick extraction of DNA or RNA in < 30 seconds https://t.co/RKuLsAW7fM @PLOSBiology @UQ_News pic.twitter.com/FH1krTFYMw — Eric Topol (@EricTopol) …

New paper of interest: Unpacking factors influencing antimicrobial use in global aquaculture

This paper may be of interest: Unpacking factors influencing antimicrobial use in global aquaculture.    Henriksson, P.J.G., Rico, A., Troell, M. et al. Sustain Sci (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-017-0511-8 Abstract: Global seafood provides almost 20% of all animal protein in diets, and aquaculture is, despite weakening trends, the fastest growing food sector worldwide. Recent increases in production have …