Yes, gross, but interesting: Human skin flakes lead to bad smell in air-conditioning systems 

OK so this is based on a press release so it should be taken with a grain of salt and such.  But it is interesting, and gross too, and about microbiology of the built environment. Skin squames contribute to ammonia and volatile fatty acid production from bacteria colonizing in air-cooling units with odor complaints Source: …

Worth a look: Filter forensics: microbiota recovery from residential HVAC filters

This is worth a look: Filter forensics: microbiota recovery from residential HVAC filters | Microbiome | Full Text From the paper Background Establishing reliable methods for assessing the microbiome within the built environment is critical for understanding the impact of biological exposures on human health. High-throughput DNA sequencing of dust samples provides valuable insights into …

Travel Grant Opportunity for Early Career Scientists for INDOOR AIR 2018

We are excited to announce that the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s Microbiology of the Built Environment (MoBE) program is offering up to 5 travel awards of up to $1,500 each to cover registration, accommodation, and/or travel for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, or Assistant Professors who are submitting Extended Abstracts or Full Papers to INDOOR AIR …