Interesting #bioart; “Bacteria from 300-year-old Ovid poetry volume inspires ‘bio-artist'”

Came across this pretty interesting story today, an article in the Guardian entitled “Bacteria from 300-year-old Ovid poetry volume inspires ‘bio-artist’”.  Basically the artist found an old book, and then cultured microbes from it, using her own blood to make blood agar plates.  Voila, cool microbe art with history mixed in.        

The cheese microbiome as a model. system continues to yield useful results

The “cheese microbiome” as a model system continues to yield useful results.  Model systems for microbiome & microbial ecology studies are really important and it is great to see how this system has continued to develop.  This is worth a look. The search for lively bacterial communities led Rachel Dutton, a microbiologist at UC San …

ESBL is seeking an Associate Director of Outreach in Portland, OR!

The Energy Studies in Buildings Laboratory (ESBL) at the University of Oregon is seeking a new Associate Director of Outreach at the Portland location! At ESBL, as part of the Department of Architecture, we research how buildings, related transportation and land use systems, climate, and human behavior, determine energy and resource use and impact human health. …

Assistant/Associate Professor of Soil Microbiomes, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Colorado State University

To support the services that soils provide we need to regenerate their health. Healthy soils thrive with microbial life. The Department of Soil and Crop Sciences at Colorado State University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position to study the microbiomes of soil systems. This position is a 50% research, 40% teaching, and 10% service …

The Wild West of Self-Regulated Cosmetics

So as more and more companies start marketing cosmetic products with supposedly probiotic microbes in them (see eg., Farris Jabr’s excellent article in the NY Times from two days ago), it is important to recognize that, as the article linked below says “the cosmetic industry is largely self regulated.” Definitely worth a read. Manufacturers are not …

U. Wisconsin Microbiome Initiative

The University of Wisconsin at Madison has announced a new microbiome initiative. See below for more details. The initiative aims to position UW-Madison faculty to be more competitive when applying for federal funding. Source: New campus initiative targets microbiome research

microBEnet Grant Renewal 2017-2019

We are happy to announce that the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has renewed the grant supporting microBEnet for one final time, through 2019.   As the “Microbiology of the Built Environment” program comes to an end at the Sloan Foundation, we will use this time to focus on sustainability, both of the microBEnet website and the …