Gates Foundation seeking proposals on Characterizing and Tracking Antimicrobial Resistance

This seems like a really good opportunity for some interesting and critically important microbial diversity work: Novel Approaches to Characterizing and Tracking the Global Burden of Antimicrobial Resistance | Grand Challenges This link is to a call for proposals from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on Antimicrobial Resistance.  Specifically they write: We are soliciting …

Stanford Bioengineering, Jr. Faculty Search Announcement

Just got this job announcement by email: Hello, Please see the attached solicitation from Prof. Markus Covert regarding an open search for a faculty member in the Department of Bioengineering at Stanford University. We have recently launched a broad area search, open to faculty at the Assistant and Untenured Associate Professor level. Details and application …

Sarah Zhang updates “What I Learned From Sequencing the Bacteria in My Apartment”

. Sarah Zhang at Wired has updated her post from three years ago about bacteria in her apratment with reference to a new study just published from the Wildlife of Your Homes study of bacteria and fungi in homes.  Definitely worth a look. Source: What I Learned From Sequencing the Bacteria in My Apartment | …

University of Oregon research on microbial communities in 72 homes

The University of Oregon published this announcement on AAAS’ EurekAlert: Oregon architecture researchers to study indoor air quality in 72 homes. So a good song to play while reading this post would be: “Portland, Oregon” ‌‌by Loretta Lynn & Jack White. The press release starts off with a short summary of this project: University of Oregon researchers and industry partners …

CO2 and ventilation rate measurements from Day 1 of MoBE 2015

This is just a quick posting of some building science data that I collected during Day 1 of the 4th Annual Conference on the Microbiology of the Built Environment in Boulder, CO. I setup a couple of our Open Source Building Science Sensors (OSBSS) in the front corner of the room before the conference convened yesterday and left …

More on the history of uninformed, risky microbiology of the built environment experiments  by US Military

A couple of stories with a scary connection to microbiology of the built environment are worth checking out: Story in the SF Chronicle (originally by Kevin Lotia in Business Insider) is a must read for many reasons. ‘One of the largest human experiments in history’ was conducted on unsuspecting residents of San Francisco.   This appears to …

Inside Philanthropy covers the BioBE Center and Sloan MoBE Program 

Just a quick post.  There is a story of interest at “Inside Philanthropy” on the Sloan Foundation MoBE (microbiology of the built environment) Program and the renewal of the BioBE center project.  See Sloan’s Deep (and Kind of Gross) Probe Into the Microbes Crawling All Around You – Inside Philanthropy: Fundraising Intelligence – Inside Philanthropy Although I …