Last Chance to Be Koalafied!

My name is Katie Dahlhausen and I am A PhD student in Jonathan’s lab. I am crowd-funding a project to study this fascinating koala biology, as well as investigate alternative infectious disease treatment where antibiotics are not a viable option. Want to help out these adorable critters? You can support the Indiegogo campaign here, which …

Tutorial on how to make a Home Environment Hub

I went to Maker Faire a couple of weeks ago and came across a company called Initial State, who makes beautiful software where you can look at your built environment data in real time dashboards. In this blog post, they have a tutorial on how make a simple “Home Environment Hub” to monitor different variables inside of a room: …

The White House wants input on the future of microbiome research (by June 15)

Well this is very promising. The Science and Technology Policy Office of the White House has posted a Request for Information on “Microbiome Research”. Summary: Advanced sequencing technologies have illuminated vast networks of microorganisms that drive essential functions in all environments on Earth. The study of these communities of microorganisms, or microbiomes, is nascent, and …

Will Microbes Clean our Water?

A recent publication in Environmental Science & Technology and subsequent review on gave a lot of promise for the technology of using microbes to clean up waterways. The study suggested that harnessing microbes is an environmentally sustainable solution to breaking down pollutants in water. I think ‘breakthrough’ is a bit strong of an accolade …

Call for Papers! Microbiome special issue on the Microbiology of the Built Environment

Just a quick plug: Jack Gilbert and I are guest-editing a special issue in Microbiome dedicated to Microbiology of the Built Environment. We are now accepting original research, methods, and software article submissions to be considered for the special issue (planned for publication in late 2015). We are looking specifically for work that involves multiple aspects of the …

SAMSI Ideas Lab Call for Proposals: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Biomedical Data Science Challenges

Just got this from NSF and thought it would be of interest: Dear Colleagues, Applications are invited for an Ideas Lab on “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Biomedical Data Science Challenges” taking place at the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) located in the Research Triangle Park, North Carolina: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Biomedical Data Science Challenges …

Postdoctoral Funding opportunity in the Microbiology of the Built Environment

Another funding opportunity from the Sloan Foundation for postdocs working in the (broadly defined) microbiology of the built environment.  A full copy of the RFP is below or can be found here. ****************************************************************************** May 1, 2015 Dear Colleague — The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation announces a funding opportunity in its Microbiology of the Built Environment …