Does microbiology of the built environment have any Big Data issues? If so …. $$$$

Just was sent this by our grants office: – Funding – Critical Techniques and Technologies for Advancing Foundations and Applications of Big Data Science & Engineering – US National Science Foundation (NSF). Seems like this may be of interest to folks working on microbiology of the built environment as there are some serious Big Data …

Sloan Foundation funds an Indoor Microbiome Workshop in Finland

The Alfred P. Sloan foundation has approved a grant to organize a workshop on indoor microbiome in Finland in Fall 2015.  The workshop is designed for a scientific exchange including a workshop and researcher exchanges that will bridge the Sloan grantees in US and Canada with the research groups in Finland and neighboring countries.  The workshop organizing committee, …

Today in microbes and art: Bioart and Bacteria – The Artwork of Anna Dumitriu

Crossposting this from my Tree of Life blog. I could spend a lot of time on this website: Bioart and Bacteria – The Artwork of Anna Dumitriu.  I found out about it from a Tweet from Dumutriu: Gut #bacteria #microbiome textiles for @edenproject #art commission @tferriss @phylogenomics – anna dumitriu (@AnnaDumitriu) January 18, …

Two postdoctoral research scientist positions in microbial evolution and ecology

Summary Two postdoctoral positions are available in Dr. Stepanauskas’ laboratory. One position is focused on the deep evolution of Bacteria and Archaea and the genome content of the “microbial dark matter”. Another position is focused on chemolithoautotrophy in the deep ocean and hydrothermal systems. The hired scientists will be engaged in large, collaborative projects, and …

Describing a new bacterial species: mixing biology and history

After way more work than I imagined when we embarked on this project, we are almost ready to submit our first description of a new bacterial species, Kirrobacter mercurialis.   Not exactly earth-shattering, given that about 40 bacterial species descriptions come out every month in the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (IJSEM).  However, our …

Congrats to Gwynne Mhuireach on new grant to study people, plants, microbes in urban settings

Just a quick post here.  Found this news story (from Nov 18) doing some Google Searchers: UO student gets EPA grant to study health link between plants, people – Portland Business Journal.  It discusses a new grant on “Relationships Among Airborne Microbial Communities, Urban Land Uses and Vegetation Cover: Implications for Urban Planning and Human Health.” …