A bit about IM-BOL: The Indoor Mycota Barcode of Life for #microBEnet

Just got a nice description of the IM-BOL “Indoor Mycota Barcode of Life” project from the PI Keith Seifert.  This is one of the newly funded projects that are part of the Sloan Foundation’s Indoor Environment program.  I am posting the description on microBEnet here: https://www.microbe.net/im-bol-the-indoor-mycota-barcode-of-life/.  We are working on having pages for each of the …

Postdoctoral fellowships in fungal taxonomy and genomics; one focused on fungi from dust #microBEnet

POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS IN FUNGAL TAXONOMY AND GENOMICS. Keith Seifert is looking for two post-docs, one interested in the identification of microfungi, and the other interested in participating in a genome project, for two-year positions in Ottawa, Canada. The first position is funded by the A.P. Sloan Foundation. A large and diverse collection of 6000-7000 strains isolated by …

Opening up one’s eyes to other fields

I spend most of my time working on biology.  I like to think I cover lots of breadth within biology and I probably do – microbes, evolution, ecology, human health, pathogens, symbioses, forensics, genomics, bioinformatics, and more.  But nothing like really looking at other fields to realize how narrowly focused one is. And that is …

“Germs” in cars

When people hear “microbiology of the built environment” they tend to focus on buildings.  But the built environment also includes things like trains, cars, planes, even the space station where some cool microbiology work has taken place. When looking for work on the microbiology of these environments I came across a small, non-peer reviewed study …

Bacteria to stabilize buildings

So I’m going to stick with a theme here and try to talk about beneficial uses of microbes in the built environment (like stabilizing the ground underneath buildings to mitigate the effects of earthquakes). Today I came across the research from a group of students at Newcastle University who designed a strain of Bacillus that …

Biofilms to stabilize buildings?

When reading about the microbiology of the built environment there are far far more examples of the negative impacts of microbes on human health and building integrity than the reverse. Therefore, the occasional report of beneficial applications (however theoretical) deserves mention.  Today I came across this old report (behind a pay wall) from the 2005 …

Post Doc positions at the Biology and the Built Environment Center (BioBE)

Two post doc positions are available to work with the Biology and the Built Environment (BioBE) Center at the University of Oregon: Postdoctoral Position in Phylogenetic Ecology and Computational Genomics Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Ecology and Evolution Both are to work with Jessica Green and Brendan Bohannan as part of the BioBE Center: The BioBE …