Great collection of free tools for microbiome analysis at the DACC #microBEnet

There is an excellent collection of tools and protocols for various microbiome analyses (genomics, metagenomics, rRNA) available at the Human Microbiome Project DACC site.  This includes downloadable tools, links to online web servers, and PDFs of various protocols.  Definitely worth checking out if you need some tools for sequence analysis.

Introducing citeulike group on microbiology of the built environment (w/ instructions) #microBEnet

For those interested in anything to do with microbiology of the built environment, we have created a citeulike group on this topic.  If you are not familiar with citeulike, it is in essence a social reference management system where people can share and organize references (and even papers on top of the references in some …


Welcome to MicroBEnet! If you’re interested in the “Microbiology of the Built Environment” (small stuff growing in buildings) then you’re in the right place. If you just want to see what this field is all about, check out the rest of the site. If you’re a researcher in either indoor environments or microbiology you can …