Summary of Sloan symposium: healthy buildings 2015-Europe

Just a quick note that the meeting report from the Sloan-funded symposium “Microbiology of the Built Environment” held at Healthy Buildings Europe 2015 is now available in Microbiome.  Summary below: Excess or abnormal microbiological activity is both a cause and a consequence of unhealthful indoor environments. Building research, investigations, and remediation must identify compromised buildings …

Early career workshop on Microbiology of the built environment

Apply for this innovative, multidisciplinary, and highly integrated research-based workshop aimed at enabling and educating globally distributed early career scientists involved in research associated with the microbiology of the built environment. We will provide researchers with the rare and unique opportunity to shape funding opportunities for research focused on the microbiology of the built environment, …

Postdoc and grad student Summit — preceding the EMBO Symposium on Aquatic Microeukaryotes

Apologies for the late notice on this .. but this may be of interest. Got this announcement a few days ago: Colleagues — Preceding this January’s EMBO Symposium on Aquatic Microeukaryotes in Heidelberg (January 26—29, 2016), the Marine Microbiology Initiative (MMI) is sponsoring a small two-day Summit for up to 24 postdoctoral fellows and advanced graduate …

Wrap up of talk by Norm Pace on “Metagenomics and the Tree of Life”

Norm Pace gave a talk at UC Davis yesterday on “Metagenomics and the Tree of Life”. I and a few other people posted live Tweets from the talk which I have compiled together via the Storify system.  This “Storify” is embedded below. In addition, Lisa Cohen, who was at the talk posted her notes which …

Special Seminar at #UCDavis: Dr. Norman Pace on Metagenomics and the Tree of Life

Special Seminar Dr. Norman Pace Distinguished Professor Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology University of Colorado, Boulder Metagenomics and the Tree of Life Tuesday, October 6th, 2015 1.30 pm Genome and Biomedical Science Facility (GBSF) 1005 Host: Jonathan Eisen ( For more about Pace’s work see

Indoor Air 2016: Call for Abstracts (Due October 15th)

(thanks to Paula Olsiewski for the reminder, text below from ISIAQ)   INDOOR AIR 2016   July 3-8th 2016, Ghent, Belgium Important dates: abstract submission closes: October 15th 2015 submission page abstracts acceptance notification:  December 1st 2015 extended abstract / full paper submission opens: December 1st 2015 extended abstract / full paper submission closes: February …